Emulsions, a mixture of bitumen, water, and an emulsifying agent, are used to handle bitumen at a lower temperature and therefore in a safer way. They represents 20% of the world bitumen use, their main applications are: asphalt, micro-coatings, bonding layers, and cold asphalt mixes. Emulsions are defined by the EN 13808 standard. This specification framework describes four characteristics: composition of bitumen, viscosity, emulsion stability and physical characteristics of residual bitumen.
There are two different ways to classify bitumen emulsion:
1. Depending on the type of surface active agent, bitumen emulsions are divided into three categories:
– Anionic Bitumen Emulsion, with negatively charged globules
– Cationic Bitumen Emulsion, with positively charged globules
– Non-ionic with neutral globules
2. Depending on the speed at which the bitumen particles separate from water when it is applied on the aggregates (setting time), it is divided into three categories:
– Rapid Setting Emulsion (RS)
– Medium Setting Emulsion (MS)
– Slow Setting Emulsion (SS)
RUBIS ASPHALT MIDDLE EAST / ERES provides a full range of bitumen emulsions from slow to medium and rapid setting, anionic or cationic emulsions. Throughout our emulsion units, under carefully controlled conditions and using highly specialized equipment, our talented laboratory technicians produce in-house bitumen emulsions on demand.